Search Engine Optimization Controls

SavvyCard gives you the control to override what is displayed in the Title tag, Description Meta tag, and Keywords Meta tag.

Why would I want to do that?

We're glad you asked!

According to (an authority in the SEO community), having the primary keyword phrase you want your web page to be found in search in your Title tag is the #1 on-page factor for getting that page ranked well by all the Search Engines.

In other words, if you are a plumber in Atlanta, GA, it would be wise to have "Atlanta, GA Plumber" somewhere in your Title tag.

SavvyCard was built with SEO in mind from the very beginning, so every SavvyCard owner has the ability to control the aspects of your SavvyCard that affect search engine rankings.

Optimize your SavvyCard Title Tag for maximum search engine potential

Continuing with the Atlanta, GA Plumber example, this person would want to override the Title tag to be something like

"Atlanta, GA Plumber - John Doe (123) 555-1234 - Serving Atlanta, GA plumbing needs since 1990."

First, this is a very readable title tag (it even gets the phone number directly in the search results!) The power of this is that it's stuffed with keywords, but it's done tastefully so that it achieves a balance between optimal rankability and readability.

Technical note: On average, only the first 70 characters in your title tag will show up in the search results. So when composing for readability, keep this in mind.

Tip: Keyword Stacking

You may have noticed that I stuffed the keyword phrase in the title tag twice.   Right at the very beginning, and then again at the end, only substituting "plumber" with "plumbing".  This is often called "keyword stacking" or "title stacking".

Keyword stacking must be done within reason. A title tag of "Forex Trading, Forex Trading, Forex Trading, Forex Trading, Forex Trading" will get you penalized by the search engines. But a clever re-wording (using plural or participle variations) of your keyword phrase twice gets a lot of traction.

Description Meta Tag

Optimizing the Description Meta tag is also among the top 20 factors that affects a web pages' abllity to rank well.

Balancing readability and rankability in the Description Meta tag is important also. Optimally, you want to keyword stack your primary keyword phrase in the Description Meta tag. You also would want this to be persuasive... something that would entice a searcher to click on this result. So spend some time crafting a persuasive message, and make sure you get your primary keyword phrase in there at least once.

So a good Description Meta tag for John Doe, the Atlanta, GA plumber, might look like this:

"Call Atlanta, GA Plumber, John Doe, at (123) 555-1234 today, because you want an honest plumbing contractor with years of experience serving Atlanta, GA home owners and businesses."

Technical note: Description Meta tags, on average, only display 140 characters. So keep this in mind also.

Keywords Meta Tag

There's contention among the SEO community over how effective is the effort of using the Keywords Meta tag.  Some experts say it's a waste of time. Some say it's still effective. What we do know is that if you have two identical web pages, the page that puts the primary keyword phrase in the Keywords Meta tag would out-rank the one that didn't. So even though it's not a top 20 factor, adding Keywords Meta tags is one of those "last mile" efforts that separate the SEO elite from the SEO mediocre.

There's nothing fancy about this. A good Keywords Meta tag would be:

"Atlanta GA Plumber, Atlanta GA Plumbing, Plumber, Plumbing, Plumbing Contractor, Contractor, Atlanta, Georgia"

Realistic Expectations

A word needs to be said about having realistic expectations about search engine results. Search Engine Optimization is a mature industry, and experts around the world have been tweaking websites and manipulating search results since Yahoo and Google first launched.

So if you put "Forex Trading" or "Online Gambling" in your Title tag, Description Meta tag, and Keywords Meta tag will that get you to the first page for those keyword phrases?  Definitely not. Many keyword phrases are too competitive to think that a SavvyCard could get to the first page of search results. Companies spend millions of dollars every year to ensure they are #1 for certain keyword searches, especially the "large", general terms.

However, there is good news!

Whereas general terms are too competitive to stand a chance of getting a first page ranking, LOCAL terms are not!

Search engines favor local search results over global results when a constraining term is used in the search term.  A constraining term would be geographical, such as a city or Zip Code. So if someone searches for "Plumber 30301", then Google would serve up results that are relevant to that search term (i.e. plumbers closest to that Zip Code.) Make sense?

So SavvyCard cannot guarantee top search engine results by simply editing these three fields, but you can be assured that your SavvyCard will be maximally optimized and prepared to rank highly for specific and local search results if you take advantage of the SEO tools that we've built into SavvyCard.

Thank you for using SavvyCard!





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